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School Profile


Charter Connections Academy is located in the rural Northern California county of El Dorado. We are located approximately one hour from the state Capital, Sacramento and serve families living in the Sierra foothills around the city of Placervill

The school is part of Charter Alternative Programs which serves a wide variety of educational needs. Charter Alternative Programs is a fully accredited Charter School located in El Dorado County, California. This Charter is granted by the El Dorado County Office of Education and consists of four distinct programs at different sites operating under one CDS code.

  1. Charter College and Career Prep – Community School and vocational education focus, grades 9-12
  2. Charter Home Study Academy k-8 – Home school with core classes, grades K-8
  3. Charter Connections Academy – Independent study and Community College Prep, grades 9-12
  4. Charter University Prep – College Preparatory, grades 7-12

This Profile focuses on demographic, curriculum, and performance data for Charter University Prep. Charter Connections Academy operates on the same campus and many students blend their schedules between both programs.


Charter University Prep and Charter Connections Academy have a format is similar to a College where students come to class two days per week and must complete significant work at home on the other school days. We are fully accredited (6 year) by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), and our graduates are very successful at top Universities throughout California and the world.

Depending on class choices, students come to the school site two or four days per week. Students schedule their non-classroom days to complete home assignments, pursue electives, take community college courses, participate in P.E. activities, participate in internships, or to work in the business world.

Demographic information:

School Population: 207
Class Size average: 16
Students per grade level: 30-38


  • 240 credits required for graduation
  • Academic Courses (all UC a-g approved)
    • English: Advanced English 1, 2, 3, and AP English Literature
    • Math: Algebra 1, Geometry, Adv. Algebra 2, Math Analysis, AP Calculus AB
    • Foreign Languages: Latin 1-3, Spanish 1-3, French 1-3, Japanese 1-3
    • Social Sciences: World History, US History, Economics (1 sem), American Government (1 sem)
    • Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics
    • Fine and Performing Arts: Art 1, Drama 1, Adv. Drama, Art History, Technical Theater, Taiko Ensemble
  • All students complete a full sequence of UC a-g courses. Remedial levels are not provided in this program.
  • 65% of Senior students take college level courses through our local Community College, Folsom Lake College.
  • We offer AP Calculus AB, and AP English Literature. Students take other advanced courses at Folsom Lake College while simultaneously enrolled in High School.

Grading and Ranking

Grades are based on a 4.0 grade scale. We do not provide weighted grades for Honors, Advanced Placement, or College courses. A = 4, B =3, C = 2, D = 1, F= 0


There are approximately 32 students per grade level. Typically, 3-5 of these students have 4.0 gpa’s, 10 students are between 3.5 and 3.9, 10 students are between 3.0 and 3.4, with one to three students under 3.0.

As the vast majority of our students have g.p.a.’s greater than 3.5, we do not post class rank.

Standardized Test Results – SBAC tests 2018 results.
Percent at Meets or Exceeds Standards.

SubjectCharter Connections Academy
Grade 11 ELA Summative95%
Grade 11 Math Summative67%

Some Colleges attended by Charter Connections Academy graduates recently:

  1. University of California, Santa Barbara
  2. University of California, Berkeley
  3. University of California, Santa Cruz
  4. University of California, Davis
  5. University of California, San Diego
  6. University of California, Merced
  7. California State University, Chico
  8. California State University, Sacramento
  9. California State University, Long Beach
  10. California State University, Fullerton
  11. California State University, San Francisco
  12. California State University, Monterey Bay
  13. Cal Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo

Partial list of Private and Out of State Universities

  1. University of the Pacific
  2. Doshisha University, Kyoto – Japan
  3. University of Chicago
  4. University College Cork – Republic of Ireland
  5. University of Nevada, Reno
  6. Point Loma Nazarene University
  7. American University, Washington D.C.
  8. Baylor University, Texas
  9. Grinnell College, Iowa
  10. William Jessup University